WTF Friday - my scissors, (GASP)

If you know anyone who sews, you have probably had a surprising response from them when you picked up a pair of scissors in their house.
"NOT THOSE SCISSORS! Those are my sewing scissors!"

If I were more organized I would most likely keep my sewing scissors in a drawer, but I am always working on a project here or there so my fancy scissors are always out. This means my friends are very careful to ask if they can use any scissors they find before they cut for crafting or opening packaging. I have definitely yelled at a few folk just before they've made a cut in something I didn't approve.

At the moment, my sewing scissors are not fancy at all. They are an old bargain pair, because my Fiskars have just fallen apart.

My WTF moment was my complete shock when my scissors fell apart. I was only cutting quilting cotton at the time. If I had been attempting to cut denim it would have been understandable. I should mention, these scissors have been in heavy use since 2013. I sew canvas and fleece and sometimes even fun fur. These scissors have worked hard, but to give up on quilting cotton, I'm not sure I respect them as much as I used to.

Fiskars have a great lifetime guarantee so if I'm patient, I will get a new pair. I may also upgrade and have my replacement Fiskars for back-up. There has been a lot of sewing going on at my house these days. I could use a treat.
